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We love the great outdoors, and we love those who love the great outdoors. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to building outdoor gear you can rely on. From the brand, you can visit the store for 12, 20, 30, or 40 Can Coolers, 20, 45, 65, 110, or 145 Quart Jugs, Heavy-Duty and Lightweight gear, as well as Large and Small Tote Bags.
The Can Cooler offers a variety of colors, double-wall vacuum insulation, a no-sweat exterior, an air-tight seal, and the ability to keep your drinks hot or cold for longer. The Bottle Jug comes in 26 oz, 32 oz, 36 oz, and 40 oz sizes, with the same insulation and temperature-retentive features as the Can Cooler. For larger capacity needs, the Jug is available in Half Gallon and One Gallon sizes, keeping your drinks ice-cold for up to 24 hours.
The Travel Mug, available in 20 oz and 30 oz variants, and the Coffee Mug, in 16 oz and 20 oz sizes, both share the brand's commitment to durable, temperature-controlling design. Their double-wall insulation, no-sweat exteriors, and airtight seals ensure your beverages stay at the perfect temperature, whether you're commuting or spending long days in the sun.
Fuel For The Road: Whether you're spending extended time outdoors or just have a lengthy daily commute, the Jug is the perfect companion, keeping your drinks at the ideal temperature for hours on end. Easy Transport: The double-wall insulation allows you to carry the Jug comfortably without your hands being affected by the temperature. Temperature Retentive: The Jug holds ice for up to 24 hours, so you don't have to worry about your drink going warm on even the hottest days. Designed To Be Effortless: Use the small spout for pouring and the extra-wide opening for easy filling, drinking, and cleaning. Pack It Away: The no-sweat exterior means you can pack your Jug away between sips without worrying about whether or not the outside will stay dry.
With customer reviews averaging 4.5 out of 5 stars across the product line, this brand's outdoor gear is clearly a hit with customers who love the great outdoors as much as we do.
product information:
Attribute | Value | ||||
brand | RTIC | ||||
capacity | 1 Liters | ||||
color | Matte Black | ||||
recommended_uses_for_product | Coffee | ||||
special_feature | Double-wall | ||||
age_range_description | Adult | ||||
product_dimensions | 13.15"W x 6.89"H | ||||
item_weight | 3.31 pounds | ||||
theme | Travel | ||||
material | Stainless Steel | ||||
number_of_items | 1 | ||||
product_care_instructions | Hand Wash Only | ||||
base_diameter | 6.25 Inches | ||||
cap_type | Straw Cap | ||||
with_lid | Yes | ||||
upc | 819260023687 840008204266 | ||||
item_model_number | 8541996885 | ||||
customer_reviews |
| ||||
best_sellers_rank | #1,109 in Kitchen & Dining (See Top 100 in Kitchen & Dining) #55 in Insulated Bottles | ||||
is_discontinued_by_manufacturer | No | ||||
date_first_available | June 4, 2018 |